
Building the Foundation of Quality Youth Character Through the Profile of Pancasila Students, Especially in Vocational High Schools

Education in Indonesia continues to evolve to face increasingly complex global challenges. The significant effort in developing quality youth is through strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students, especially in Vocational High Schools. Vocational High Schools, as a vocational education institution, plays an important role in producing a workforce that is not only technically competent but also possesses strong character and integrity.

One of the significant efforts in building a quality young generation is through build up the Pancasila Student Profile, especially in Vocational High Schools. Based on the decision of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) No.56/M/2022, the Pancasila Student Profile is a project-based curricular activity designed to strengthen efforts to achieve competencies and character that align with the Pancasila student profile. In other words, Vocational high schools graduates are expected to become ready-to-use workers, capable of meeting industry needs with specific technical skills. However, the challenges in the modern workforce not only demand technical skills but also the ability to work in teams, communicate effectively, and quickly adapt to changes.

To answer this challenge, reinforcing the Pancasila Student Profile becomes an important and relevant matter. The Pancasila Student Profile emphasizes values that not only shape intellectual intelligence but also build strong and integrity-filled character. These values include divinity, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice, all of which are reflected in every aspect of a student's life.

In addition, the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile aligns with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 22 of 2020 concerning the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2020-2024. According to the book "Strengthening the Character of the Pancasila Student Profile" (2022) by Nursalam and Suardi, the six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile are;

  1. Faithful, pious to God Almighty, and of noble character
  2. Globally diverse
  3. Independent
  4. Collaborative
  5. Critical thinking
  6. Creative.

Firstly, Faithful, Believe to Almighty, and of noble character refers to students who are ethical in their relationship with God Almighty. They not only understand their religious teachings but also apply them in their daily lives. There are five key elements in this dimension of the Pancasila Student Profile, namely:

  1. Religious morality
  2. Personal morality
  3. Morality towards others
  4. Morality towards nature
  5. Morality as a citizen.

Secondly, Globally divers. Students are those who can maintain noble culture, locality, and identity while remaining open-minded towards other cultures. The key elements are; Understanding and appreciating culture, ability to communicate intercultural, reflecting on and being responsible for experiences of diversity.

Thirdly, Independent. One of the dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile is being independent. This means students can take responsibility for their learning process and outcomes. The key element is being aware of themselves and the situations they face.

Fourthly, Collaborative. In this element, the students can engage in activities together voluntarily to ensure their work is smooth, easy, and light. The key elements of this dimension of the Pancasila Student Profile are collaboration, care, and sharing.

Fifth, Critical thinking. This means students are able to process information both qualitatively and quantitatively, and build connections between this information. Indonesian students are also expected to analyze, evaluate, and conclude information.

Sixth, Creative. Students are capable of modifying and producing something original, meaningful, useful, and impactful. The key elements of this dimension of the Pancasila Student Profile are original ideas, works, and actions.

Specifically in Vocational High Schools, the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile is carried out through various methods and activities. Programs such as life skills training, motivational seminars, group discussions, and both group and independent projects help students internalize Pancasila values. These activities are designed not only to hone technical skills but also to develop empathy, cooperation, responsibility, and leadership.

Besides that, Fortify the Pancasila Student Profile Project is more than just an effort to introduce political concepts to the younger generation or students. It is a powerful means to shape the character of young people who are quality-oriented and responsible. Through this process, the main goal is not only to make them academically smart but also to mold them into leaders with integrity, responsibility, and a strong commitment to the common good.

Firstly, the Pancasila Student Profile emphasizes the importance of building character. It's not just about teaching abstract values but also about providing practical experiences that teach them how to apply these values in everyday life. For example, through the strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile Project, students can learn about the importance of integrity by being put in situations where they have to make ethical decisions, even in difficult situations.

Secondly, this project develops future leaders. Effective leaders lead not only with intelligence but also with integrity and a commitment to the common good. Through leadership training and opportunities to participate in projects that promote social responsibility, students can hone their leadership skills and internalize effective leadership values.

Thirdly, this project also helps them develop the leadership skills necessary for their future lives. They learn to inspire and motivate others, take initiative, and take responsibility in facing challenges and making decisions.

According to Dr. Haryono Suyono: "Vocational High Schools as vocational education institutions must pay attention to the formation of students' character. The Pancasila Student Profile provides a strong moral foundation for students, so they can become workers who are not only technically intelligent but also have good professional attitudes." Furthermore, Vocational High Schools also aim to produce graduates who are not only competent technically but also have strong, integrity-filled, and quality-oriented characters. Integrity and work ethics are two crucial aspects in the workforce. The graduates who understand and practice Pancasila values tend to have professional attitudes, work well in teams, and have a commitment to quality and honesty in their work.

Therefore, education in Vocational High Schools equipped with the empowering of the Pancasila Student Profile is a strategic step in facing global challenges. Through this approach, Vocational High Schools students not only produces ready-to-use workers but also young generations ready to lead with strong and integrity-filled characters. This effort is crucial to ensure that Indonesia has competent human resources capable of making positive contributions on the global stage, building a better future for the nation.

An approach that has proven effective in building quality character in young people is through the Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile Project. Through understanding and implementing Pancasila values in daily life, the younger generation can be guided to become responsible, honest, tolerant, and dedicated individuals committed to the common good.

As Prof. Dr. Anies Baswedan stated, "The Strengthening of the Pancasila Student Profile Project is not just a program but also a holistic educational philosophy. Through this approach, students not only learn about Pancasila values theoretically but also experience how to apply them in daily life, shaping strong and quality characters." In other words, the Strengthening of the Pancasila Student Profile Project forms a solid foundation in building quality and outstanding young characters.

Through understanding and implementing Pancasila values in daily life, the younger generation can be guided to become responsible, honest, tolerant, and dedicated individuals committed to the common good. Pancasila values such as divinity, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice provide a strong moral and ethical foundation. When these values are internalized, they shape positive attitudes and behaviors, strengthen personal integrity, and enhance the quality of social interactions.

In addition, the enhancing of the Pancasila Student Profile Project also provides space for the development of social skills, critical thinking skills, and creativity. Through collaboration in teams, students learn to appreciate differences, respect others' opinions, and seek solutions to complex problems. They are also given the opportunity to explore their interests and talents through projects that are relevant to Pancasila values.

The programs encompass various activities designed to encourage students not only to understand Pancasila values but also to practice them in daily life. In Vocational High Schools, this implementation can be carried out through various activities such as:

- **Training sessions**: Training sessions focused on character development and social skills. This training can involve simulations, role-playing, and other activities that help students internalize Pancasila values. For example, conducting a Training on Integrating Pancasila Values in Entrepreneurship Development at Vocational High Schools.

- **Seminar**: Seminars featuring inspirational speakers from various fields, who can provide insights into the importance of Pancasila values in professional and personal life. For instance, Building Excellent Skills and Character through Entrepreneurship Programs at Vocational High Schools.

  The documentation of Students SMKS St. Aloisius Ruteng in participating of Seminar implementation  Pancasila Student Profile.


  - **Discussion**: Group discussions that address current issues and how Pancasila values can be applied to solve these problems. These discussions help students think critically and understand the importance of tolerance, justice, and cooperation. For example, students discuss actual issues related to the Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in Vocational High Schools.

              The documentation of group discussions of students at SMKS St. Aloisius Ruteng about Pancasila Student Profile.

- **Real Project**: Real projects involving students in social activities and community service. For example, SMKS St. Aloisius Ruteng conducts a Real Project activity from all three majors, namely TKR (Light Vehicle Engineering) by producing tables from used chains, making study lamps using used chains and bamboo, making wall clocks from used glass, making briquettes from coconut shells, making flower pots from used diapers, which can be said to reduce waste or litter. From the TP major (Welding Engineering), they make clotheslines, shoe racks, and so on. Lastly, from the DKV major (Visual Communication Design), they make tables using used car tires, tumblers, glasses, plaques made from bamboo, and they also engage in social service activities, environmental projects, or mentoring programs for younger students. Through these projects, students learn about responsibility, creativity, and collaboration in line with Pancasila values and the dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile, emphasizing the importance of positive contributions to society.

The documentation of implementation Pancasila Student Profile at SMKS St. Aloisius Ruteng.

Then, with the Pancasila Student Profile in place, students are encouraged to understand and internalize Pancasila values and are given the opportunity to participate in social activities, help others, collaborate, and practice Pancasila values in their daily interactions. These activities not only enrich their learning experiences but also help them see Pancasila values in real and relevant contexts.

Through a comprehensive approach via the Strengthening of the Pancasila Student Profile Project, we can ensure that students not only have strong academic knowledge but also quality character. Through activities that promote understanding and implementation of Pancasila values, students can grow into individuals who are responsible, honest, tolerant, and dedicated to the common good.

In this project, character formation for students is not only focused on the intellectual aspect but also on the emotional, spiritual, and social aspects. This is important because quality character is not just about intellectual intelligence but also about balance and harmony in various aspects of an individual's life.

Furthermore, students are encouraged to engage in self-reflection, recognize their potentials and weaknesses, and strengthen their connections with others and the environment. This process of self-reflection helps them to better understand themselves, including their strengths and areas where they need further development. By being aware of their potentials and weaknesses, students can develop strategies to improve themselves, both in terms of knowledge and character. This project also emphasizes the importance of strengthening connections with others and the surrounding environment. By understanding and appreciating differences, students can build harmonious relationships with others, both within the school environment and in society. The ability to collaborate, cooperate, and build positive relationships is crucial in social and professional life.

This process also helps students develop resilience, where they learn to face challenges and obstacles with courage and determination. The ability to endure and remain optimistic amidst difficulties is a valuable skill in achieving life goals. This project also helps students develop empathy, where they learn to understand and feel the feelings and experiences of others. This ability enables them to be more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, allowing them to contribute positively in assisting others and building deeper and more meaningful relationships.

Besides of that, this process also helps them develop teamwork skills, where they learn to work effectively in teams, appreciate the contributions of each member, and achieve common goals. These skills are crucial in future work environments and organizations. Laying the foundation for building quality character in young people through the Strengthening of the Pancasila Student Profile Project is an important step in creating a better future for students and the Indonesian nation. This is a long-term investment in developing strong human resources, who not only have knowledge and skills but also the morality and integrity needed to advance the nation towards a better direction. With strong character and responsible leadership, students and the young generation of Indonesia will become positive agents of change and bring progress to the nation and society as a whole.

By: Hildegardis Oktaviani Angkut,S.Pd

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